Monday, May 11, 2009

Things will get worse before they get better

H.R. 2159

The path to hell is paved with good intentions.

No guns for terrorists.

Don't like abortion... you're a terrorist
Tax protester... you're a terrorist
Animal rights activist... you're a terrorist
Support 3rd party... you're a terrorist
Black separatist... you're a terrorist
War protester... you're a terrorist
Environmental activists... you guessed you're terrorists too
Illegal immigration protester ... terrorists too.

Most Christians, all libertarians, Greenpeace/PETA supporter, new black panthers, code pink.

basically everyone is a terrorist, except the cops, unless they are.


  1. Was going to post about this gem this morning...

    I like the title of the bill... "Denying Firearms and Explosives to Dangerous Terrorists Act of 2009"

    What exactly is a non-dangerous terrorist? Herr Janet?

  2. Welcome back...note the lack of a real name here as well.

    I wonder if Dharma Hawk will pop back up as well.
