Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Ammo storage, counters, stats, and stuff

To my 3 readers I say "Thanks".

To the 1 that has me bookmarked "Wow I'm honored"
To the 1 that has Google reader do the work "Well Done, that's what I use"

I picked "Frell Me" to be something odd, it is odd enough to be #5 result from Google.

Anybody out there have any thoughts on what to use for ammo storage?
It needs to lock from casual thieves, children, pets, or the like.
I'm not worried about the weight, because it'll be full of ammo, bolted to concrete, and won't easily moved.
Cheap is a plus.

Ammo cans are supposed to pop open when rounds cook off, sometimes they don't and turn into bombs.
A safe full of ammo IS a bomb.


  1. Sadly, I haven't enough ammo to even get to the range these days, much less face any kind of storage issues. Eventually, I will have some sort of safe in a secure area of the house, but until the hoarders have enough in their stockpiles and I can find some .45 and .30-.30, the few boxes I have sit on a shelf in the closet or ride in the range bag.

  2. A safe full of ammo is a bomb, IF it is sealed up tight!

    Take your cues from "flammables" lockers (or see if you can buy one secondhand, then paint & mount it. Got any industrial surplus houses around?) or have a locking metal cabinet welded up AND VENTED then bolt the thing down.

    If it has the means to blow off pressure, it's not a bomb anymore. Recommend min. 1/4" thick metal to keep the flying goodies in, tho.

    Use whatever you like to lock it.
