Monday, March 23, 2009

What the Frell

Read this pile of crap

Apparently I'm going to be a domestic terrorist.
Talk about job security
Railroading anyone that thinks differently than you do (or that bothers to observe at all) and, not so subtly, calling them a threat to national security.

The citizens are the national security.

Who protect life and limb when the agencies fail their assigned tasks?
The citizens

For proof look at the Korean shopkeeper in LA holding off looters 4/30/1992
Reference here:

There is nothing the government can do for you that you cannot do cheaper or better.


  1. My girl snorted and rolled her eyes when I told her I was considered a domestic terrorist. Then she read the article...

  2. My better half came from a liberal entitlement stronghold (MD specifically). She and her entire family has finally opened their eyes about what is going on in our (still somewhat) great nation.

    The sleepers are starting to wake.
    Revolution starts with a whisper.
    Revolutions need no bloodshed, simply a shift in the view of what is and is NOT acceptable.
